Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform for your business: Every Stat You Should Know

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform for your business: Every Stat You Should Know

Choosing the right eCommerce platform can be hard; especially considering the vast range of options available in the market from which you can pick from. However, it is in arguably very important to make sure that you are making the right choice; your eCommerce platform needs to be well-aligned with your needs in order for you to confidently move forward in your journey as a business. 

To help you, we have compiled insights and stats on the top 5 eCommerce platforms out there.

WooCommerce Statistics

As of 2022, 5,106,506 live websites are using WooCommerce. (WP Swings)

WooCommerce is one of the biggest eCommerce platforms in the world, and if you needed a stat that could prove that to you, this is it. The fact that so many websites are running on the Internet using WooCommerce suggests that it is a rather robust eCommerce solution and can help you meet all the requirements of being an online retailer. 

WooCommerce has 23.43% of the worldwide eCommerce market share, making it the number one eCommerce platform. (WP Swings)

WooCommerce is the biggest eCommerce platform out there. It owns the biggest market share and leaves behind some very strong competitors like Shopify and BigCommerce. There are many factors behind this, and we will get into some of them shortly. However, the crux of the matter is that if you want to give your business an extra edge and make sure that it is not lagging behind at all in the eCommerce department, you may want to take the help of the number one eCommerce platform in the world; i.e. WooCommerce!

Choose the right ecommerce platform - woocommerce statistics

46,398 of the world’s top million websites use WooCommerce. (Built With)

If the fact that so many websites use WooCommerce was not enough to convince you to use it, then maybe the fact that almost 50,000 of the world’s TOP websites use WooCommerce. In our opinion, this is very important, as it shows that almost all websites that are doing the right thing use WooCommerce. So, if you want to jump on the bandwagon and work your way to that spot, maybe WooCommerce is the best option as many successful businesses can vouch for it, and you can definitely follow their footsteps to undeniable success. 

WooCommerce on supports sixty six languages. (WP Swings)

One of the main reasons behind WooCommerce being one of the most used eCommerce platforms is that it can literally be used by anyone. It supports 66 languages, which means that people from a huge number of countries can get the plug in and use it conveniently. So, if you are a business that does not operate using the English language and have been looking for a solution that can be used in a language you are comfortable with, WooCommerce is the best option for you. A full list of the languages WooCommerce supports can be found here, so check if yours is on it or not. sells 770 official WordPress plugin extensions. (Barn 2)

This means that WooCommerce gives businesses complete control to transform their processes. With the help of plugin extensions, you can bring different functionalities and adapt abilities to your website and make it a lot more advanced. As one can tell, the options are unlimited with these plugins. You can actually use them to evolve your customer experience beyond recognition. In case you are struggling, we are creating a web experience that actually helps you hit the numbers you want. WooCommerce plugins will step in and make it a lot easier for you to impress your customers and make the sales you actually want to make.

Shopify Statistics

Shopify revenue for the quarter ending September 30, 2022 was $1.366 billion. (Macro Trends)

Those numbers are huge! This tells us that Shopify is one of the fastest growing eCommerce platforms, and may even supersede WooCommerce one of these days. We can totally see that happening. After all, WooCommerce is merely a WordPress plugin, whereas Shopify is a whole platform and hence may be preferred by people. Either way, it is an eCommerce platform that you really need to consider.

In its 16 years of operation, Shopify has generated over $590 billion in sales. (Shopify)

So, we know that Shopify helps countless businesses generate their desired numbers of sales. There are many different reasons behind this – but the most prominent is that it provides a lot of advantages. First and foremost, it is the easiest to use. You don’t have to worry about technicalities, because they simply don’t exist for the user as far as Shopify is concerned. Not only that, because it is mobile-ready and easily customisable. What this essentially means is that the user is in complete control of their eCommerce journey. It also has a range of SEO and marketing tools that can help businesses push their eCommerce shop in the right direction on search engines, and hence it is overall a great tool to invest in. 

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform - shopify statistics

Over 4.1 million eCommerce sites are built with Shopify. (Built With)

Thanks to the advantages already discussed, Shopify is quite a popular eCommerce platform and there are many sites that are built using it. Again, we can take this as a testament to the fact that it does provide businesses with the extra edge that they need and look for, and can hence be the missing piece from your puzzle of success.

Almost 10% of the global eCommerce platform market is possessed by Shopify. (Statista)

Shopify’s presence in the eCommerce platform market is only exceeded by WooCommerce. It is a robust solution that many businesses prefer, and in today’s time and age when we literally have the best tools and technology to help us create the the perfect eCommerce journey, it is a great sign for an eCommerce platform to be loved by so many businesses.

Shopify employs 10,000 staff for improving the platform. (Shopify)

This stat tells us another great thing about Shopify: it has a huge staff dedicated to improving Shopify’s services and making it an even better platform! It provides 24/7 customer support, which means that if you encounter any problems using Shopify, the team will readily jump in to help you deal with the problems and make it easier for you to find a solution. Needless to say, this is a great addition to the platform which makes it the ideal choice for small business and startups that have no experience in building an eCommerce business and using it for increased sales. 

BigCommerce Statistics

In 2022, over 5,144 new stores were added to BigCommerce in 2022 and it currently has about 50,000 live stores. (Acquire Convert)

Firstly, this shows that BigCommerce is a platform that is exponentially growing, and is likely to grow in coming years. Secondly, it also displays the vastness of BigCommerce as a platform. It is hosting 50,000 live stores, and hence must be a pretty good platform. This is also why it is considered as a close competitor of WooCommerce and Shopify, and will be great for you as a business if you are fond of the other two but are wanting to switch because of some reason or the other. 

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform - BigCommerce Statistics

BigCommerce revenue in 2022 is $0.27 billion. (Companies Market Cap)

In 2022, BigCommerce will see some amazing sales! This is an indication that it will only get better in the upcoming years, and if you want a future-friendly eCommerce solution then BigCommerce may be the answer to your dreams. Some reasons why BigCommerce has seen such a surge in its revenue are that it has a simple interface and reasonable pricing. Another reason is that it provides the best design solutions for websites so if you are a store that is looking to have a creative digital shop, BigCommerce will surely have something to offer that resonates with your ideas. 

Over 3000 stores on BigCommerce fall into the food and drink, sports, and beauty and fitness categories, whereas there are 2000 stores in each business/industrial and health retailer categories. (Acquire Convert)

BigCommerce seems to be one of the best options for retailers. The fact that it has so many different categories of retail shops shows us that its features actually align with what retailers want in their shops. So, if you are a retailer, we definitely recommend you to check BigCommerce out and see if it is the right fit for you. This can be especially good for businesses that want to save up a little bit, since BigCommerce prices are generally quite feasible and will help you optimise your cash flow a lot better in many ways!

48.25% of BigCommerce stores employ 1-9 people, whereas only 10.66% of BigCommerce stores employ 25-49 people. (Acquire Convert)

Calling out to small businesses: BigCommerce could really be your big break considering that almost half of the stores on BigCommerce seem to be small businesses too. If you have ever wondered how exactly you can manage running an online store with limited staff, there are many businesses on BigCommerce that are currently doing that so all you need to do is to simply learn from them! However, this also does not mean that bigger businesses can’t use BigCommerce. There are many bigger businesses who also utilise this eCommerce platform; albeit in considerably less numbers than small businesses. 

The large majority of BigCommerce stores (74.6%) in the United States. (Acquire Convert)

BigCommerce clearly has a bigger user base in the United States. However, this doesn’t mean that businesses based outside of the USA cannot use this eCommerce platform because it definitely does have a global presence and can accommodate your website from anywhere in the world. So, don’t let the fact that it is more commonly used in the USA deter you from using it if you are actually based somewhere else in the world, because it can work just as well any and everywhere. 

Magento Statistics

In 2022, Magento Commerce revenue hit the $47.4 million mark. (Latka)

Although not as big as Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce, Magento (now known as Adobe Commerce) is also a strong contender and this stat justifies why it is on our list of top eCommerce platforms. So, if for some reason or the other you don’t want to use the top three platforms we have already discussed, Magento is a good, user-friendly alternative that can also do a pretty good job of setting up your business and going forward towards success. If you want to learn more about Magento and how exactly it can be used as the eCommerce platform of your dreams, we recommend you to visit the official website and conduct a thorough research that gives you an idea about what the features are and how they can help you.

Magento powers 0.6% of the internet as a whole. (Creative Minds)

Again, maybe not as impressive as the stats on Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce, but still pretty good. Magento also has a prominent presence, and can help you create the perfect eCommerce shop. We say this because it truly provides a huge list of features. Using Magento, you can manage the content, analytics, and finances of your online shop without even having to invest in another solution. If you are looking for a centralised way to improve the overall journey of your business, you can invest in Magento and watch its features provide you with a fully enhanced journey on all ends.

Magento is downloaded about 5000 times every single day. (Creative Minds)

This makes sense, since Magento does provide businesses with many advantages. No matter what your needs involving eCommerce are, Magento’s rich and powerful features can really help you move forward as a business and ensure that you are being equipped in the right way to deal with all the challenges that come your way in the world of eCommerce. It is also highly customizable, which means that you are in full control of what happens to your shop, and this is something businesses really prefer. 

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform - magento statistics

202 Magento users are in the Top 1000 list of internet retailers. (Maven Commerce)

You don’t have to be part of the BigCommerce and WooCommerce world if you want to be in the top. According to Maven Commerce, out of the top 1000 internet retailers, about 202 area Magento users! Which means that thanks to this powerful platform, hundreds of businesses have been enabled to drive their growth and take their business towards success. If you are looking for a one-stop solution that can do the same for you, magento seems to be the perfect choice and will be a great addition to your success strategy if it is incorporated into it correctly.

Businesses that use Magento are reported to grow three times faster than other businesses. (Meetanshi)

Numbers don’t lie! Magento can really help your business grow, especially if you remember to make use of it properly. It does have its drawbacks; for example, it does not provide robust inventory management support and you might have to integrate an inventory management system with it for maximum results, but it is still a pretty good contender.

Squarespace Statistics

As of December 2022, Squarespace expects a revenue of $857 million to $862 million. (My Codeless Website)

That’s quite an impressive number – especially considering the fact that Squarespace is actually not as popular and well-known as, say, Shopify. But these numbers show us that there is still a chance of growth when it comes to using Squarespace, and hence more businesses should be encouraged to look into it and use it.

70.7% of Squarespace users are based in the United States. (My Codeless Website)

Most Squarespace users are based in the United States. However, as with BigCommerce, this certainly doesn’t mean that only US residents can benefit from Squarespace features. You can create a shop using this platform wherever you are in the world, and hence it is one of the best options available to businesses who are looking to grow with restrictions and limitations. No matter what your geographical location is, you can create an online shop using Squarespace, which is precisely why we consider it one of the top eCommerce platforms.

1.7% of all websites on the Internet are powered by Squarespace. (My Codeless Website)

Again, this is such an impressive stat considering that Squarespace is fairly new to the game as compared to some other, bigger platforms, The fact that it already has such a powerful impact on the Internet does not only tell us that there is space for more growth for them, but is also an indication that using the platform for your own eCommerce journey may be a good option for many businesses. 

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform - Squarespace statistics

Squarespace gets 30 million unique visitors every month. (My Codeless Website)

So, Squarespace can get you traffic. What can possibly be better for an eCommerce business than that? The platform reports 30 million unique visitors, which means that no matter what your niche is, you can use Squarespace to tap into an audience and get the leads you want! Not only that, but Squarespace is also a website that provides you with literally everything you need to create the perfect shopping experience for all your customers, which is why it can prove to be the ultimate component of your eCommerce success strategy if used correctly.

There are a total of 3.79 million users who use Squarespace. (My Codeless Website)

Squarespace is a pretty helpful eCommerce platform. It can help you build your website within minutes, which means you don’t have to invest a lot of time, nor effort in order to benefit from the features provided by Squarespace. It also allows you to use award-winning templates for your website, and you don;t need to have any prior coding skills or practical knowledge in order for that to work in your favour, which is what makes Squaresapce completely user and beginner friendly. If you are looking for an eCommerce platform that can help you check off all these boxes, then Squarespace is the best option.

What to Look for in an eCommerce Platform?

Overwhelmed with all the facts and figures we have just shared with you? Well, don’t be!

When it comes to choosing the right eCommerce platform, here are a few things you need to definitely keep in mind when taking your pick:

Check the pricing of the platform.

Essentially, you want a platform that is easy on your budget. If you pick something you can’t work with for a long period of time simply because it is too expensive, there is no point to it! Therefore, always make sure that the plans offered by the eCommerce platform you hope to integrate with your operations are affordable for you. 

Look at what integrations the platform offers. 

On the subject of integration, you must find an eCommerce platform that allows integrations. For example, none of the eCommerce platforms offer specialised eCommerce order management and warehouse management solutions. In order to achieve seamlessness in those areas for your eCommerce journey, you will have to integrate your platform with a specialised warehouse management solution. This can only happen if the eCommerce platform allows integrations. 

Therefore, before you make your choice, check which integrations it allows and whether or not these align with your needs as a business. Only if the answer is yes should you invest in the eCommerce platform. 

Pick a platform that offers a welcoming interface as well as a wide range of themes.  

If you keep yourself occupied with solving various technicalities associated with an eCommerce platform, you are inadvertently setting yourself up for failure. This is because if all your time is taken up by you focusing on all of that, you won’t have any left to spend on the actual growth of your business – which is definitely not something you want to do. Therefore, pick a platform that offers a user-friendly and straightforward interface. 

Also, pick a platform that can help you design an aesthetically pleasing shop with a nice theme. Trust us; this matters a lot in terms of both the user experience and the customer experience, and hence it is important to keep on this aspect as you navigate your eCommerce journey. 

Make sure the platform provides complete security

If there is one thing you can’t compromise on as an online business, it is security. Since eCommerce is often vulnerable to theft and fraud, it is important to choose a platform that doesn’t compromise on the safety and security of your data, and can offer some sort of guarantee when it comes to the safekeeping of your online experience. As long as a platform can help you do that, it can very well be the right fit for you.

Choose an SEO-friendly and mobile-friendly solution. 

In order to succeed as an eCommerce business, your SEO game has to be, at the very least, decent! If it is not up to the mark, it means you can’t rank well on search engines and hence, won’t show up when potential customers put in their search queries! Therefore, it is important to pick an eCommerce platform that can help you in terms of SEO. 

Similarly, a platform that enables you to create a mobile-friendly website should be preferred, as it is the need of the hour and it is only with a mobile optimised website that you can even imagine to succeed!


We hope the discussion above helped you, and you can now pick the best eCommerce platform for your business. 

No matter what platform you pick, however, Canary7’s eCommerce fulfilment solutions can be employed to make sure that your business operations remain effective and you can keep providing your customers the quality of services they signed up for. 

Interested to learn more and see what exactly it is that we can do for you as a business? Check us out and see just how awesome your partnership with Canary7 can be.

Colleen Ballantine

Colleen Ballantine


UPDATED ON: 4th Jan 2023

Colleen is a marketing specialist at Canary7, writing in-depth blog content on warehouse management, inventory control, and logistics. With extensive industry experience, Colleen focuses on delivering informative and insightful posts

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